Frequently Asked Questions about weddings in Cyprus
Q: How soon will I receive a response on my query?
A: We tend to contact you within 48 hrs.
Q: Will our wedding be legally recognised in the U.K.?
A: Weddings conducted in Cyprus are legal and internationally recognised, thus the rest of the European Union and Worldwide
Q: What kind of services do you offer?
A: Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox weddings as well as Symbolic weddings, Renewal of Vows and Blessings.
Q: Can we set our wedding date and time ourselves?
A: We aim to confirm your dates (upon availability) within three working days. As Cyprus is a very popular wedding destination for many nationalities, we advise to book early in order to prevent disappointment.
Q: Do you provide witnesses for the ceremony in case we come without any guests?
A: Cyprus Wedding Celebrations is happy to provide you with witnesses.
Q: We are U.K. citizens. Can we take our affidavits (Statutory Declarations) out in Cyprus?
A: Arranging affidavits is included in our services and upon arrival we will provide you with the specific forms.
Q: When do we obtain the marriage certificate?
A: The wedding ceremony ends by signing the marriage certificate which then will be presented to you.
Q: Exactly what kind of paperwork do we need to get married in Cyprus?
A: All legal papers necessary for your Cyprus wedding are listed below.
- Full original birth certificates required
- Valid passport with a validity of at least 3 months following your departure date from Cyprus
- Affidavit (Statutory Declaration)
- Scottish and Welsh residents: Certificate of No Impediment
- Irish passport holders: a 'Freedom to Marry Certificate' must be obtained from the Irish Embassy in England or the Department of Foreign Affairs in Ireland
- If either or both divorced: the original copy of the Decree Absolute bearing the court stamp
- If either or both widowed or widower: the original copies of marriage and death certificates
- If either or both adopted: proof of adoption
- If either or both change of name: proof of deed poll
- If either or both under 18: written consent of parent or guardian in sworn affidavit
- Catholic ceremony: baptism certificates of both, neither divorced and preceded by a civil wedding.
- Anglican ceremony: a baptism certificate is no longer required (2008), although one is appreciated
- Two witnesses over 18 years of age are required by law. A copy of their passports is required at the time of the application
Note: For some nationalities and/or denominations different formalities may apply; please contact us for further information.
Q: If one of us would like to get baptised prior to the church ceremony, could you arrange this service as well?
A: Certainly!